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Showing posts from June, 2018

What is in my Future?

Over the past month I've been re-analysing my life.  It all started when my parents finally put an offer on a house in Taupo and had it accepted.  I'm 45 years old and they have been spending a week every year there for as long as I can remember and they decided years ago that Taupo was where they would retire someday.  The only thing is, they have their current home and jobs in Wellington and aren't due to leave for Taupo for at least another 18 months.  Which means, finding someone to rent their new home in Taupo to pay for their new mortgage.  So their first choice was to ask if I would be interested in uprooting myself and my two kids (Age 15 & 10) from Wellington, to rent out their new home in Taupo.  I spent a week or so thinking about this and I just couldn't think of a good enough reason to move, other then to be a good daughter and help my parents out. My Parents new house in Taupo. I've also been getting friendly with this really nice truc