Coming up to my 40th Birthday, with all the changes in my life I decided I needed to symbolise my new found freedom, my beautiful children, where I was mentally at and where I was heading.
Always wanted a tattoo, but never knew what and where I wanted it, as I had always been a heavy girl and didn't want to put it in the wrong place with fear of it looking ugly after weight loss or weight gain.
January 2013 |

Dolphins are my most favourite mammal and so I decided that my first tattoo was going to be Dolphins and these Dolphins were to represent my two beautiful children. So of course two weeks after I turned 40, I went and got my first tattoo done and it was the perfect first choice.
After that, I just wanted another... But what and where. It wasn't until I was coming up to my 42nd Birthday that the idea of another tattoo came to me. I decided that I wanted to have a Maori looking Capricorn symbol on the back of my lower neck, so I went searching of a design I liked and found myself an awesome tattoo artist to do it for me. I had this tattoo done two weeks before I turned 42, so that it would be healed before Christmas.
December 2014 |
March 2015 |
After that one it was all on. I was so happy with the tattoo artist I had found, that I knew that I could get more done and be happy with them. So it was time to do the one that has been on my mind for years, my Kiwiana styled charm bracelet. I gave my tattooist drawings of all the kiwi icons I liked and we narrowed it down to my most treasured ones. I turned up to get it done not knowing what any of the drawings looked like, but when I got to see them on paper I was just so excited. We did a green line to make a rough outline of the chain, then we just tattooed the icons as we went. Once all the icons where tattooed on, then we did a rough red chain and once the chain looked like it was falling right, we tattooed the chain. By then the pain was just starting to get to me.

Exactly a month later, yes I had an idea for another. I was starting to feel prettier and felt like people noticed me more. In the past I had always felt like the girl sitting in the corner watching everyone else having fun and being noticed. Not that it made me more popular in the sense that I was getting asked to go out or anything, but I saw people actually seeing me as not just a fat person anymore, they were seeing a confident and sexual female. This forth tattoo was something that I had always enjoyed watching in my parents garden, they have a large pond where you see them fluttering above the water, sparkling that gorgeous blue body of theirs.
April 2015
So finally we come to my lucky last for now, thou I do have a few more ideas floating around. This last one is one that I drew myself and can call my own... my tattooist only graphically refined it and made sure everything was smooth and even.
July 2015 |
My Tattoos are why I like to call myself Kiwiana Girl. I'm proud to be born in this beautiful country called New Zealand.
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