Over the past month I've been re-analysing my life. It all started when my parents finally put an offer on a house in Taupo and had it accepted. I'm 45 years old and they have been spending a week every year there for as long as I can remember and they decided years ago that Taupo was where they would retire someday. The only thing is, they have their current home and jobs in Wellington and aren't due to leave for Taupo for at least another 18 months. Which means, finding someone to rent their new home in Taupo to pay for their new mortgage. So their first choice was to ask if I would be interested in uprooting myself and my two kids (Age 15 & 10) from Wellington, to rent out their new home in Taupo. I spent a week or so thinking about this and I just couldn't think of a good enough reason to move, other then to be a good daughter and help my parents out.
I've also been getting friendly with this really nice trucker since February this year, where he lives in Hamilton. (That's over a 6 hour drive from Wellington.) We would catch up every now and then when he was in Wellington, but we'd only be able to hang out for an hour or so, as he needed to sleep before having to drive back to Hamilton that same evening.
I really like this trucker and feel that we met for a reason. I've been struggling for a few years to find a decent man in Wellington and he's been struggling to find a decent woman in Hamilton; and then we met and it just feels so natural... except for the distance.
So after just having gone through the Taupo thing with my parents, I started to think a little further into the future. My first thought was that once my parents moved to Taupo, I would have nothing keeping me in Wellington. The drive to Taupo from Wellington is like five hours and very bendy, which my son would never survive with his extreme motion sickness. If I was in Hamilton, it's less then two hours to Taupo and the drive would be better for my son, it would mean that I would actually see my parents more, then if I lived in Wellington and my kids would be able to spend the school holidays with them, leaving me with time to myself and time to be able to travel with my nice trucker.

If it wasn't for my kids, I would probably try to pack up and leave right now, because even if things didn't work out with the trucker and I, I'm still thinking that being in Hamilton would be better in more ways then one. I just need to wait till the end of the school year, as my son is in his last year of Primary and will be due to start a brand new school next year anyway and my daughter is in and out of school with her extreme anxiety, but will be 16 in April which will give her more option's, if she ends up struggling with a new school.
Over the past 8 years I have put my life on hold for my kids, but now that there could be a possiblity for me finding true happiness, I don't want to discredit it just because we live in different cities.
So with that said, I thought it was time share my idea with the nice trucker and give him time to mull over what I had to say. So now I have to patiently wait on him to come back to me with his decision, but for now it has been put on hold due to a major incident involving his truck, which could affect his livelyhood.
While I wait, I decided to think of all the questions he may come back to me with, which also mean't that I needed to do a pro's and con's list, to make sure my head was thinking clearly. This is how my list went:

So all in all, the move wouldn't be a bad thing. It maybe the fresh start that I've been looking for, but I will never know unless I take that step.
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