Had been FB friends for over a year, met for coffee a couple of times when he was in Wellington. About six Months back he was actually staying in Wellington off and on, and he tried to get me to come visit him late one night, just for cuddles. But I said no, as thou I enjoyed his support and chats, I was not needing or wanting to go down that road with him. He apologised the next day for being so persistent the previous night and we just went back to being our old selves as FB friends.
Saturday just been, we had a perfectly normal chat. He spoke about what he was planning to do moving on, as he'd left a job that wasn't working for him. I filled him in with the kids and how I was just plodding along with the online dating thing again but wasn't being the stupid nieve girl, I was a couple of years back. He told me about some girl flops he'd had recently and how he had given up on the search. Our conversation had ended on a Will Smith life coach video and all was good with the world, well that's what I thought until he messaged me last night!
WED 10:13PM
How is your search for a masculine truck driver Chantel?
I'm sorry I could never compete with the engine or petrol!
But always was into you just not a typical kiwi guy always my curse lol
Truck Driver?
Yes you seem to be into the petrol guys
I'm not a bad guy quite chivalrous a bit of a romantic but don't smell and not enough petrol
I may like the chrome, the smell of petrol and the sound of a good engine, but I’ve not really
Dated anyone that owns a set of wheels that makes my legs buckle under me!
I did recently become friends with a truck driver in Hamilton?
I have had a lifetime of kiwi girls getting excited about the idea of me and then they run off to the mechanic Bogan guy every time. Many message me afterwards saying what a mistake. Anyway I hope the engines etc. make you happy Chantel I will always be a friend but unrequited love is a bugger
Take care and choose wisely
If you keep wanting a set of wheels to buckle under you and it hasn't worked, maybe try a different kind of guy...
A guy who can't wear decent cologne and be kept if these are your standards as it’s a bad reflection on your standards. Kia Kaha Chantel x
I like the idea of wheels... but no guy that drives those wheels meet my standard, this is why I too am still single, because I do have standards. And I’ve never actually dated a petrol head, so I think I really don’t like the bogan type men behind the wheels, but then just because they are i.e.: Truck drivers, etc. don’t all mean they are bogans either. Maybe my dream is to actually own my own wheels.
I think this is why I love it when my neighbours allow me to drive their cool cars.
Just like I've made a lousy choice on women. You are an awesome lady but I'm going to unfriend you and leave you on your way Don't let your lass hurt or manipulate you, as you deserve better and cars are not all cool Chantel they are just caravans, they don't make a person take care
I am totally confused. I haven’t dated any guys for over a year! I also know cars etc. don’t make a person, there’s just something about cars/bikes and trucks that I’ve always liked from a very young age.
Leather cars Trump politics mean nothing it's about real emotions and being kind to people. I have reached out to you often to help and be helped and it's always failed on a superficial level. Take care. You should date guys it doesn't make you a bad person you have nothing to prove just date guys that are different from your script. Take care
I tried to reply to him after his last message, but by then he had blocked me on FB!
So I went back to my FaceBook timeline to see what I had posted and I couldn't see anything that I would have thought would have got up his nose like it obviously did!
I posted this and tagged my Hamilton Truck Driver friend to it, as I know he's getting a new truck very soon! I also know it's going to have leather seats in it.
I also posted a video about staying single and waiting for the perfect guy.
Not everybody who's single is sad...
some of us are waiting for the right person
I changed my profile picture, as who wouldn't want to look this good on a bike!

And the last thing I did, was to change my cover photo on FaceBook. As it was ANZAC day and I had the luxury of being able to drive my awesome neighbours convertible.

So how did last night's messages turn into me being blocked? Especially when I have no idea how it even started the way it did. So here I am sitting scratching my head in absolute bafflement!
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