To be perfectly honest, I don't know how I keep the strength to keep going.
Suffering from depression myself and just trying to get through the day myself is exhausting, but having to be the rock for my daughter and having to get her through her daily tasks is getting harder for me everyday. Middle of the year I thought I could see the light at the end of the Tunnel with her, but now I want to pull my hair out screaming at the top of my lungs "I don't want to do this anymore".
My girl has been suffering from depression and extreme anxiety since the end of 2014. I look at her and I compare myself to her at the same age. She is bright with stuff that she truly enjoys learning, but she lacks a lot of other skills that I had when I was her age and it worries me. Is she really that afraid to try and attempt these tasks or is she just being lazy. I thought that by now I would have so much more help around the house, but still I do everything, though I have stopped cleaning her room.
Anyway, back to her school review today and they have got in the future plans to have her attending her college fully before the end of the first term and here they are asking me of ways how I can help her achieve in preparing her for it over the summer holidays.
Also we discussed her problem with sleeping and how we can put in place some ground rules and how am I going to get her to change some of her night time rituals, because every time you give her suggestions for ways to help, she has an answer or excuse on how that won't work or how it doesn't work. She is so strong headed like her father that way, having an answer for everything and always having to have her answer be right and there is no way you can reason with her.
I remember a comment she made to me last week, I was telling her to hurry up and finish getting ready for school, because it was getting late. She says to me "It doesn't matter if I'm a little late, all that matters is that I get there." I say to her "It's not all about you and whether you get to school on time. Your not the only one that has school or somewhere to be. I also have plans and schedules, so to get you to school on time, means I get to my appointments."
I sometimes get really sick of her selfishness. I say to her sometimes "Oh, yeah... we're in your little bubbly, no one else exist's... no-one else has anything else to do, but to tend to all your needs and wants."
It's like when I do have work, I mention to her not to text me as I'm at work today... two hours into my shift my phone does ping, then ping, then ping again. And as I'm reading these messages another two ping's through. 'WTF', it's all about how a boy pulled her plait out and that she was stressing over how ugly it looked. And while she is stressing, she's winding herself into a tight ball of OCD issues.
And then today was her first day back at school after having her hair cut shorter then usual, she started to have a panic attack because the parting in her hair wasn't right and it didn't look right. So this stress turned into her feeling sick, so she gets dropped off at school for her classes, but seeing as she had made herself sick over her hair, she couldn't go into class.
I understand her worries, but her worries have gone from one thing to something else. And me personally, I'm struggling with it and her. I love my girl and I do my best at being there for her. I listen and try to work her problems out with her, but some days everything you talk about and work out, feels like it goes through one ear and out the other. Why does she have to be so pig headed, as well as trying to deal with her anxiety.
Going off to Work and Income is also another thing that ends me in tears. I go for my reviews, as I am suppose to be working 20 plus hours a week and you need to keep going in to talk about what's happening and ways to get up to these hours. By the time I explain everything and we get through the meeting, I'm exhausted and on the verge of tears and the tears do come once I get into my car.

When I do relax by watching TV, I then start feeling guilty that I'm not doing my best and maybe I should be doing more. I think I really should be working more hours and getting out for my walks. But it's gotten to hard and then I have all these plans of what I would like to do for myself, but by the time the weekend comes along, I just haven't got the urge to go out anymore.
Looking back to earlier this year, I was getting out more and enjoying my own time. But I've lost that mojo and I really don't know how or if I'm ever going to get back. Maybe I just need to put everything on hold again and try again next year!
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