My body is my shell. These days my shell feels empty and dead inside. When I do get to head off to work for example, people see me... but really I'm not there, as my mind and soul has left the building. Tired and exhausted from trying to keep it all together, but so wishing I was none existent all together. Each day I paint a face that my kids need to see, they need to see me strong and that I am there for them, but inside I'm broken and lost, wishing of a way to escape. Term 4 has been really hard. I had high hope's that my daughter was on the up and up, but she is receding and taking me along with her. She was enjoying the slow transition to Wellington High School, but now she's hating it, hating the teachers, hating the students and hating the noise and chaos. If she had a choice, she'd stay at City Regional Health School, where the group is a nice size and the noise is not chaotic. But that's not an option, CRHS is a school to help her inte...
Not sure what direction my life is suppose to be heading, but as someone just said to me the other day "You're still young... And still on your journey... The future will have plenty of fun-filled opportunities for you!" So we now just need to wait and see.