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Showing posts from August, 2018

Living and loving organically

When did finding love orgnically become so difficult? I have been questioning this a fair bit lately and have discussed it with others till I've turned blue in the face. I have now done some online research and this anology of living and loving organically is exactly what I've been trying to explain to others. It's common for relationships to be contrived because most of us believe being single means something is missing from our lives. We obsessively look for what we consider a missing piece of ourselves. Or others see sex as the only way to date. This search influences our concepts of love to be built upon the foundation of fear. Our lack of self-worth blocks the natural organic flow of relating. We can use the nature of gardening as a template to follow when it comes to cultivating relationships. When you plant a seed it takes time and gentle care to assist in the blossoming process. Root based plants such as beets and carrots will take longer to sprout when compared ...

Call me Lady Luck

So I’ve come to the conclusion that I seem to be everyone else’s lucky charm.   I have gone on a few dates over the past three and a half years, a quarter of them weren’t my cup of tea, another quarter I wasn’t their cup of tea, another quarter they just wanted one thing only and finally the quarter that I thought was going to work out, the guy ends up pulling away just as it’s time to decide if we are heading into relationship status! They end up saying that old stigma 'It’s not you, it’s me, it's just that I don’t think I’m ready to be in a relationship yet.   But funny enough they were the ones that stated that they were looking for a relationship.   Anyway, after the hurting has stopped and I get on with my life as I know it…. Alone.   I end up seeing a status on their facebook page saying there in a relationship.   WTF… again they decided that I wasn't the one, but as soon as they walk away from me, they end up having all the luck of finding ...